Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New York City: Day 4

One thing happened today: While waiting in line to go through security at the UN, an overwhelming craving for donuts struck. I needed Dunkin Donuts, and I needed them right now. Unfortunately, the closest one was about four blocks away. So I booked it. I got my donuts and satisfied the beastly craving. Also unfortunate is by that time Tim and the rest of my group went through the gate, meaning I had to go back by myself and get in line and start the one hour process all over again. I stood in line for 1.5 hours, and when I finally got a seat, it was in an overflow room. At least it has internet so I can blog during the opening ceremonies.


  1. lol dont you love it when the cravings strike!

  2. Was it worth it? Most of the time I would've said YES! Those cravings can be as strong as they are bizarre.
