Friday, August 14, 2009

When I got pregnant, I was totally in this "it's not REALLY going to affect our life that much... it's just a baby" mindset in which babies come but you just kind of do what you do, strap them on, breastfeed them on the go, and go on with life. Then, I could barely get out of bed for three months. But then things returned to normal as we ventured out to DC and worked and played and explored. Oh wait, and then I went into pre-term labor. Oh yeah, and then we didn't think it wise to fly back because remember, the baby is coming any day now. Right? Apparently wrong, but how were we to know? So we missed Cecilia's wonderful and spontaneous wedding. And tomorrow, we'll miss Charla's much-anticipated wedding. Then my mom drove up this week because of course birth was on the brink, what with the quite regular contractions and the almost halfway there dilation and the 70% effacement and all. And we are supposed to fly back in a little over a week and if this baby comes the night before we are supposed to leave and I'm in labor and we have to buy yet another set of plane tickets I'm not going to be a happy camper. This baby hasn't even come yet and he has seriously disrupted my life. And I just want him out for my own convenience but mostly I just can't wait to meet him and hold him and breastfeed him and figure out what to call him and cuddle with him and cloth diaper him and dress him in teensy little organic cotton onesies and swaddle him in delicate muslin swaddling blankets. And not having these contractions anymore like I've had for a month would be great too.


  1. My baby was also a lot more trouble before she was born than once she was out. And I was dying to meet her, too. She decided to stop moving and ruined my plans for a home birth... hey! she and Theodore have a lot in common.

  2. I was sad you missed it, but I love you so much!

  3. (this is melissa) sounds like you are doing amazingly. i believe in you!

  4. I have no comment. Just chuckling to myself.

  5. oh puddin pop...I hope you have had this baby by the time I am commenting. I am praying for you three!!
