Sunday, August 16, 2009

I was doing a bit of reading today, and I think I realized what's stalling this baby. I think he's sitting funny in my uterus, something called right occiput posterior. Meaning: his butt is off to one side, he's posterior, and he's kind of in a c-shape.

My uterus has always felt a little lopsided, and it always feels like he's predominantly on my right side but I never thought anything of it until I was reading about back labor and realized that I had the classic symptoms of a posterior baby (bad back labor, random stalling of labor after it starts, baby doesn't drop like normal, baby is breech for longer and then by the time he flips he doesn't get into the right position, can feel his hands and feet sticking out on my front and sides). But then I was looking into it more and read about babies that are off to one side and how that makes it so they can't drop like normal and come when they need to, so you can have all the contractions in the world and your cervix can open but if the baby isn't descending right your labor will stall.
There are some things that can be done about it, like being on hands and knees during labor or using a birth ball. You can also do yoga exercises like cat and cow to try to get the baby to move to get labor going again. I've done 100 of those tonight. And I'm sleeping on my left side which is supposed to help even the baby out. I guess we'll see if it works.


  1. i really hope it works! Best of luck to you!

  2. HI, Caitlin,
    I like to recommend a forward-leaning inversion for 30 seconds and done every day.
    Chiropractic and myofascial release also helps. Hope you have the ROP labor that proceeds very well! Have a lovely birth, Gail @ Spinning Babies. com
