Saturday, August 8, 2009

What's in a name?

Our baby has no name. This is worrisome, as he might be heading here any day now. We've been calling him Theodore since before we even knew he was a boy, it was just his fetus name and was never going to stick. But the more I try out names on my belly, the more they sound weird and I can't just shake Theodore. But I really don't like it as a name for a child, mostly because I'm afraid he'd become Ted and that reminds me of the lawyer on Scrubs and I can't have my child becoming a nervous awkward a capella-singing wreck.

Meanwhile... does anyone know of a good pediatrician in Provo? I want one that won't push vaccinations (we're getting some, just not all) and that will be open to homeopathic remedies. I just want to find someone and line up something since we'll be bringing a preemie home on a flight in a few weeks.


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  2. My baby had no name (except Styx) until three hours after she was born. Then it just came together, and we knew it was perfect. Neither of us really cared for the name itself, it was just right for her.

  3. Are you guys planning on being on the BYU student health plan, or are you on private insurance? I know the pediatricians and family physicians at the BYU health center are really nice, but I'm not sure their particular feelings about newborn care and procedures. If you're not on BYU's student health plan, I'd definitely recommend looking into it. It's a little pricey for married couples with kids, but it might be worth it for numerous baby check ups ($10 an appointment, no matter what needs to be done).

  4. We are big on vaccinations, so I'm not sure about the homeopathic route, BUT - I love the doctors with Utah Valley Pediatrics ( They are WONDERFUL because there is a doctor on call EVERY single day (including weekends and holidays), so if your little one needs to be seen, you see a pediatrician with the same co-pay. You don't have to go to an insta-care or emergency room. They have several offices and I've been impressed with every one that I've seen. So, I hope that helps.

    Good luck with the naming. It's a hard decision! We were pretty indecisive about names, so I don't have any words of wisdom ;)

  5. Shelley- our baby will have Medicaid for the year after he is born; Tim is the only one round these parts using BYU health insurance. I'm going to get a private plan because I'm not taking enough credit hours to qualify for the cheap student insurance.

    Coralie- That's actually the one I was looking at today. And they take Medicaid, so I'll probably find one that I like from the website and make an appointment.

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