On Day 12, at the (fake) baptismal site, we encountered this hilarious rendition:
Here's the Amir sitting in the cart while we cross the Jordanian border (don't show this to the authorities, it's an illegal picture):
A family photo somewhere in Jordan - I vaguely remember this large barren land has something to do with Abraham:
There was also a dungeon in a Crusader castle, where we condemned Tim and Amir to fifty years isolation:
And Amir climbed some stairs:
And alas, I've discovered the real reason I failed to blog that last week: we hardly have any pictures of it! I think we must've gotten sick of lugging our DSLR around, and with the point-and-shoot broken, there is only video of some of the bigger sites like Petra. Oh well.
Farewell, travelogue.
That castle looks like Kerak. If it makes you feel any better, I love reading travel blog posts.