Saturday, January 17, 2009

I like this whole pregnancy thing

So, I calculate I'm about 7 weeks along, about the time according to that I should start feeling miserable. Well, luckily, so far I feel great! Way increased appetite, always hungry, gaining weight, but no sickness, not too tired, nothing too out of the ordinary. Maybe it will get worse (it's weird not to "feel" pregnant at all), but for those of you who are wondering, so far so good! 've been REALLY lucky so far and not taking this for granted.

So, we decided to birth at the American Fork hospital birthing center. I called and scheduled an appt with the midwife for February 17th (which seems so far away, but I guess they don't want to see me until 12 weeks). We are going to use the government's money. There is something to be said about being self-sufficient, but we are lucky to have assistance and I should be grateful and take it. It will definitely take a lot of stress out of this summer since I will be working but not making any money. Home birth, next time. I heard from a friend (thanks for the advice Kelly!) that they really follow the midwifery model there, they encourage you to move around, only use intermittent monitoring, no IV if you don't want it, delayed cord clamping, and you can birth in any position you want. Plus the birthing tub!


  1. must say i am a fan of that hospital, its a good choice! its were I had Jackie my favorite thing is they asked me what I wanted and did it my way....i am sure its MUCH different then yours i liked my drugs, but its really good place way better then Provo from what i have heard about there.
    Anyway yes we got CHIP for jackie! IF you have medicade the baby will atomatically get it for one year after he/she is born but after that i would look into it. ITs just $10 a month and co pays are really low! So i am REALLY happy about that!!!

  2. I am so happy that you chose a good birthing center! Yay! And that your health is covered, and the baby's!

    I am totally into this Oregon College of Oriental Medicine acupuncture and herbal clinic that offers sliding scale prices for people like us. Natural is the way to go!

  3. Ok, having read back through your posts from my week off I am SO GLAD you're not doing an unassisted home birth. That freaked me right out. I'm all behind home births but unassisted is like..the scariest thing I could think of. Birthing centers are awesome and it sounds like you have a decent option in the American Fork one.

    Congrats again!
