Saturday, October 27, 2012

When Austin comes to call

Two weekends ago was great. Austin came to visit and we acted like young carefree college students again. But not the kind that get drunk and run around naked when it's freezing outside, Wisconsin-undergrad style. The kind that eat at ethnic restaurants and take public transportation and buy delicious victuals at the Farmer's Market. We also toured the Capitol and went to a lecture on Women and Islam and walked the lakeshore path. Tallulah hung out with us most of the time, nestled in the Ergo on one of our chests. It was fabulous, and even though I had to do a ton of work this week to catch up, it was well worth every minute!

Our sweet downtown

In the Senator's chair

Atop the Capitol

Hellllooooo, Madison!

Inside the Capitol

Hiking the trail by our the rain


  1. Cait- where did you purchase your tan baby carrier? Any styles/brands you would suggest?

  2. That's a Ergo carrier, which we really like because it is places a lot of the babies weight on your hips, where it is easier to carry. We also use a mobi wrap, which is great for the variety of ways in which you can carry a baby. We've tried lots of carriers, but those are the two we like the most. Cait can disagree if she wants, but she wont.
