Thursday, January 13, 2011


I usually do not want clothing items so intensely and am perfectly content with my rather outdated and hand-me-downed wardrobe, but these are beautiful.

And I really want them.

I LOVE my Tom's, they are the most comfortable and versatile shoes I have ever owned.

And to have them in boot form.... ah!

Thanks, Kayla, for ruining my frugal habits.


  1. Haha I'm not sure if I should say sorry or you're welcome.

  2. So are they waterproof/weatherproof/warm? I can't tell.

  3. Lauren - That's my concern too. I don't know, and that would make them incredibly impractical.

    Kayla - I actually really appreciate it. I've been thinking a lot lately about your impracticality post, it really resonated with me. And your fashion blogging has gotten me more concerned with what I'm wearing on a daily basis but in a good way. A blog will be forthcoming on that topic.
