Friday, October 1, 2010


Working is SO MUCH easier than being at home full-time. I love working. I love the cubicle and the lunch breaks and the sitting in a cushy office chair all day answering phone calls. Maybe my job is particularly easy, but I really forgot how enjoyable this is compared to chasing around an incredibly energetic toddler all day and doing damage control. I miss the guy when I'm at work, but 32 hours a week is not that bad. It'd be a lot easier if Tim was not up to his elbows in schoolwork while balancing the stay-at-home daddyness, but he's doing a great job and I appreciate his letting me work. Because seriously, I forgot how easy and rewarding it is. And I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet. Mmmmm, financial security. How I missed thee!

I know I should feel guilty for not being a stay-at-home mom anymore, but I don't. The only guilt I feel is that now Tim has extra pressure and work with doing schoolwork and not having me around full-time to take care of the guy and cook him lunch and such. But probably worth it for financial independence and health insurance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. your better then me I think its a million time easier to be a stay at home mommy! while I dont mind working i find it much less stressfull to be at home all day :) working for me, at least, means doing almost all the same amounts of stuff at home in much less time!
    I am glad you like it and the job, you do have a pretty great co-worker :)

  3. "I know I should feel guilty for not being a stay-at-home mom anymore, but I don't."


    I'm jealous.
