Theo, almost entirely on his own, with no commercials or parents pushing him, has become obsessed with Thomas the Train. There's no denying it, Reverend Awdry hit on something big. The show is dumb, the books are dumber, but there's something about that goofy train that draws the kids in. It started with a Thomas bath toy that was largely ignored since Christmas a year ago, but suddenly became a favorite and made the transition from the tub to number one all-time toy. Here's a video of him playing with Thomas and a wooden elephant from South Africa.
He might be lacking on words, but not enthusiasm.
Cait also took Theo to Toys-R-Us to buy him a memory game (because one day he could play memory games on the ipad crazily well) and he played with the huge Thomas set there, as Cait talked about before, and now he found Thomas episodes on the iPad. Cait brought a new Thomas book home today and he's now read it with us at least a dozen times. Here's a video of him reading the book with Cait.
As far as things to be obsessed with go, we figure a very moral train isn't a bad way to go, even if his toys are very expensive.
Nice pregnant belly!