Sunday, May 24, 2009

One of my fears legitimized

You know those metal grates on city streets? I'm terrified of them. I go out of my way to avoid them. In New York, it was hard because there were people pushing me so I had to walk on them and I was terrified. They have them on campus at BYU too because of the tunneling system, and again, I would never set foot on them. Tim thinks it's funny and always tries to make me step on them when we walk down the street. He makes fun of me for my irrational fears and OCD tendencies (I also don't step on cracks, but that probably really is laughable). .

Well ha! I'm not crazy! It's a legitimate fear. Apparently, 34 students fell through one last week in Brooklyn. And were SERIOUSLY INJURED. If people can be seriously injured from stepping on a metal grates, then I'm allowed to fear them and avoid them at all possible costs. And you, my friend, are no longer allowed to mock me.


  1. oh no! i don't step on cracks either....i think that is normal right?

  2. Most excellent! Since a very young age I did not step on cracks, I think it has something to do with the rhyme "Step on a crack and break your mothers back." I to this day do not step on cracks, I lift my feet over railroad crossings, and I don't step on sewer or T grates. Dan makes fun of me relentlessly, but I will send this along to him and establish a new firm rule.

    We're all very normal here.
