Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stuff I Heard Vol. 3

It's been a while, but that's because I've discovered some great podcasts that I love listening too. But now I've made the resolution to only listen to those podcasts when nothing else is worth listening to, and as you'll see from these quotes that I've gathered just walking around campus, there are certainly things worth listening to.

"I love my IPod shuffle. It always plays such random songs."
Kind of the point.

"No problem, I was going to buy that or something else."
An act of kindness in the JKB. A girl bought something in the vending machine, but it stuck, so the girl behind here offered to buy the same thing so that both products would vend and both girls would have their desired snack, or meal, lo que sea. Sometimes the greatest kindness is saying something painfully obvious just to make someone not feel dumb.

On a related note, products not vending used to be a problem that I had. Things would always get stuck and I thought I was just out of luck. But then I realized that I could just call a number on campus and have them put the money for the unvended product back on my signature card (I always use my signature card). But almost immediately after I started requesting money for unvended product, the problem stopped. No more stuck chips. Coincedence or ... conspiracy? Probably just coincedence.

"I drove past a lipo suction billboard and it made me think of you."
I heard this from a girl walking in front of the JFSB. It wasn't really clear who the comment was directed to, which begs the question: Why did the lipo suction sign make her think of someone? Did someone need liposuction? Did someone recently undergo lipo suction? Does someone look as trim and fit as the women on the lipo suction billboard? Who knows.

Any way you cut it, hilarious.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So you remember how I was going to send you $100 if your second "Stuff I Heard" could make me laugh more than the first? How much do I owe you if the third beat the first two combined? All because of the liposuction thing. Maybe we should say $50 for #2 about tying with #1, and $50 for #3 putting the first two to shame?

  3. Holy crap Tim. The lipo suction billboard is probably THE funniest thing in the world! I'm totally stealing it for facebook.
