We've sold our beloved IMac, along with many other of our possessions as a part of our move to SC and then WI, which we should really blog about soon (although we've mentioned it in parts). So, now, for computing power, we rely on our beloved IPad. After some searching we think we've found good ways to have an excellent blog experience on the Ipad, although it took some searching. We've ordered a card reader for our cameras' memory cards, so that we can get pictures onto our blog. The app we settled with was Blogsy which both uploads photos and allows them to be easily transferred to the blog. It was $5 of our $100 appstore credit that we got when we bought the IMac. There is a free wordpress app, but it had only okay reviews and we didn't feel like having to set up a whole new blog.
Speaking of selling the computer, we are pretty sure we came out even on the computer, we paid somewhere around $1100 or $1150, depending on how big the student discount was. We also got a printer, some scaled down versions of photoshop and premiere, a free OS Lion upgrade (that we could use again if we buy an older computer) and the $100 itunes credit. We sold just the computer, not the mouse or keyboard for $970 (it was going to be a $1000 but we couldn't find a good way to get OS Lion onto the new mac). We might keep the keyboard (which I am typing with IPad on at this moment) and the mouse (for a future laptop perhaps), or we might sell them along with the Printer. I'm sure not too many people care, but we were excited. We bought a mac which was more expensive because we know they retain their value better than any PC, and it paid off.
So, in conclusion, this blogpost is mainly a test of the new app. If it works well enough, it might make us keep going only with the Ipad for even longer than we'd planned. Maybe we can get Theo blogging too.
Here's some unrelated photos and videos while we wait for the camera connector kit to come.
And a photo of him asleep in the sleepingbag, propped up to fight off a stuffy nose.